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Collaborations and community projects

Signs of Crux

Role: Co-organiser, artist

A collaborative tarot deck organised on the Boardwalk server, featuring OC-inspired designs for all 78 cards.

Land of Fans and Music 5 Act 2

Role: Manager, musician, artist

Sixth edition of LOFAM, a Homestuck fan music compilation series, featuring 99 tracks by 69 artists. I was on the management team, organising track selections, collation of art and music, and the cover illustration.

Window to Worlds (2023)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer, printing and distribution

Third edition of an art anthology showcasing the original projects and characters of 62 artists, themed around the four seasons. I handled organisation (with bloomingtea and liantreecastle), book layout, printing and shipping.

The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine (2022)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer

Second edition of a zine showcasing the diversity of marine animal life in the world's oceans, raising funds for the Australian Marine Conservation Society!

Land of Fans and Music 5

Role: Guest manager, musician, artist

Fifth edition of a long-running Homestuck fan music compilation, featuring 80 works. I helped with communications, track mastering and album order, as well as contributing art and music.

Window to Worlds (2021)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer, printing and distribution

Second edition of an art anthology showcasing the original projects and characters of 68 artists! I handled organisation (with Anolee, bloomingtea and liantreecastle), book layout, printing and shipping.

Character Design Zine (2021)

Role: Artist

Hosted by Kinja Lee, this is an art zine showcasing character designs themed around modern fantasy.

The Sea Unseen: A Marine Zine (2021)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer

A zine showcasing the diversity of marine animal life in the world's oceans, raising funds for the Australian Marine Conservation Society.

Wishes, Curses and Dreams: A Fairy-Tale Mini-zine (2021)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer

A mini-zine featuring our original characters in fairy-tales!

Window to Worlds (2020)

Role: Organiser, artist, layout designer, printing and shipping

An art zine celebrating original projects, featuring 57 artists. I was the sole organiser, managing book layout, printing and shipping.

Bowo Zine (2020)

Role: Co-organiser, artist

A small zine for Bowo, our server mascot.

Songs from the Planet Earth (2019)

Role: Organiser, artist, musician

A album celebrating Steven Universe's music and characters, this is a community collaboration featuring 24 fan-created songs and accompanying illustrations.

Rose Magazine 2 (2019)

Role: Artist

Hosted by Akira B., an original character art zine themed around seasonal fashion. Proceeds were donated to the Rainforest Trust, a charity supporting conservation of the Amazon Rainforest.

20-person switcharound (2019)

Role: Organiser, artist

An art game where each person did lineart and then passed it to the next artist to colour.